Akiko Ikeda's “WachiFeerudo" is a magical world where Dayan the cat and her friends live. It is a magical land where fairies and witches are active and the inhabitants are different from those of Ars (Earth). The story of Dayan and his unique characters has spread in the form of novels, picture books, and animations.
This year, to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the birth of "Dayan the Cat," the exhibition will feature approximately 120 works, including new pastel originals, a three-dimensional market where visitors can experience the town of Tasil, leather dolls, and 22 old works selected in the "Archaic Fan Vote" held to celebrate the 40th anniversary.
The exhibition will also feature a special exhibition on the occasion of Dayan the Cat's birthday. It will include the original painting "Dayan's Birthday," as July 7, the birthday of Dayan the cat (recognized by the Japan Anniversary Association), is also included in the exhibition period. There will also be several photo spots where visitors can enjoy a life-size version of the city of Tahsil.
Visitors can fully enjoy the 40-year history and footprints of "Dayan the Cat" at this exhibition.
Akiko Ikeda
Opening Hours
Matsuya Ginza
3-6-1 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-8130
Direct walk from exit A12 at Ginza Station on the Hibiya, Marunouchi and Ginza lines. 3 minute walk from exit 9 at Ginza-itchome Station on the Yurakucho line, 3 minute walk from exit A8 at Higashi-ginza Station on the Toei Asakusa line