Events / general

GLOBAL GATHERING TOKYO 2023 ~Creating one true global community~

Oct 5 @ 16:00 - 21:00 JST

GLOBAL GATHERING TOKYO 2023 will bring together Venture Cafés from around the world in Tokyo. This is an evening where you can meet with Venture Café members of all the locations and global innovators, and be part of the global network that Venture Café has. Let's change the world together by expanding the circle of good innovation. Please join us!

What's Thursday Gathering?

Thursday Gatherings are the signature events for Venture Café and will take place every Thursday between 4pm – 9pm at CIC Tokyo. The events will differ from week to week but will include lectures, speaker panels, and breakout sessions from a diverse range of industries. This is a great opportunity for innovators to be inspired, discover new opportunities, and connect with innovators.

Participate online here

Please note that the program is subject to change without prior notice.

Event format

HYBRID (In-person participation / Online Pariticpation)


4:00pm - 4:30pm | HYBRID


4:30pm - 4:50pm | HYBRID

Global Entrepreneurship & the power of diversity | グローバル・アントレプレナーシップと多様性の力 [日英/ JPN & ENG]

Startups and entrepreneurs thriving globally are skillfully leveraging diversity to aim for success. In this session, we will delve deeper into the dialogue on ① what entrepreneurship that can perform globally entails, and in line with that context, ② how organizations can inclusively harness the power of diversity.

登壇者 | Speakers:

Kristen Plymale, Director of Expansion at VCGI (Venture Café Global Institute)

Yasuhiro Yamakawa, Executive Director of Venture Café Tokyo / Associate Professor of Babson College

5:00pm - 6:30pm | HYBRID(現地参加+オンライン視聴)


7:00pm - 8:00pm | HYBRID(現地参加+オンライン視聴)

Creating a global innovation community: How can we use the Venture Café Community to go global? [ENG/英語]

Welcome to the Global Gathering; the culmination of an evening where all of our Venture Café chapters from across the globe are here in Tokyo to celebrate our mission of, “Connecting Innovators to Make Things Happen.” From the beginning in 2009, we have spear-headed an innovation platform that embraces community and brings people together. Whether you are an entrepreneur or an entrepreneur; we believe that there is an innovator in all of us, and we hope that this session will unleash the value the community provides and more importantly seek ways to grow the movement moving forward.

Join us for an interactive hour full of ecosystem best practices, community case-studies, global insights, and information from around the World to take your leap to the global stage on your innovation journey!

登壇者 | Speakers:

Alex Cheung, Director at Venture Café Cambridge

Alejandra Silva, Director at Venture Café Miami

Alejandra Buendia, Director at Venture Café Monterrey

Selena Lopez McKenzie, Program Manager at Venture Café Philadelphia

Thomas Schuman, Executive Director at Venture Café Phoenix

Emily Hemingway, Executive Director at Venture Café St. Louis

Dominica Duda, Director of Venture Café Warsaw

Ryusuke Komura, Director of Venture Café Tokyo

Moderator: Nathan Plummer, VCGI, Director - Programming

8:00pm - 8:45pm | HYBRID(現地参加+オンライン視聴

Art & Music session [日英 / JPN & ENG]

❏AMA セッション | AMA Sessions

4:40pm - 5:10pm | IN-PERSON ONLY(現地参加のみ)

Trends in Europe (AMA Session) by Venture Café Warsaw [ENG/英語]


Staff of Venture Café - Warsaw

Program partners - TBD

5:15pm - 5:45pm | IN-PERSON ONLY(現地参加のみ)

Trends in US (AMA Session)by Venture Café North America [ENG/英語]


Staff of Venture Café - Cambridge, Miami, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Phoenix

Program partners - TBD

5:50pm - 6:20pm | IN-PERSON ONLY(現地参加のみ)

Trends in Central America (AMA Session)by Venture Café Monterrey [ENG/英語]


Staff of Venture Café Monterrey

Program partners - TBD

6:25pm - 6:55pm | IN-PERSON ONLY(現地参加のみ)

How to create an innovation movement in your city - Session and AMA [ENG/英語]


Kristen Plymale, VCGI, Director of Expansion

❏ネットワーキング | Networking

OPEN NETWORKING 4:00pm - 9:00pm

❏デモテーブル | Demo Table


Come talk & meet the staff from the Venture Café’s around the Globe, and see how you connect with the communities during your entrepreneurial journey!

Venture Café Global Institute

Venture Café Cambridge

Venture Café Miami

Venture Café Monterrey

Venture Café Philadelphia

Venture Café Phoenix

Venture Café St. Louis

Venture Café Warsaw

❏Office Hours

What is “Office Hours”?

“Office” Hours are free sessions of 30min for aspiring and existing entrepreneurs to receive advice from experienced business professionals, entrepreneurs and investors. [RSVP needed: Please click the URL below]

Office Hours申し込みはこちらから/ Apply for Office Hours from here:

Venture Café Tokyo with a mission of “Connecting Innovators to Make Things Happen,” we believe that the power of a physical event always brings an extra meaning to the word “CONNECT”.

We will be welcoming back our Thursday Gathering with drinks every Thursday. Not only watching sessions, but you can enjoy meeting and networking with participants, speakers, VCT staffs and Ambassadors in person (*1)(*2).

Please get an "offline ticket" if you would like to join Thursday Gathering at CIC Tokyo and also check safety measures and guidelines. We hope to see you in our new state of the art facility at CIC Tokyo (*3)!

Address: Toranomon Hills Business Tower 15-16F, 1 Chome-17-1 Toranomon, Minato City, Tokyo

*Event check-in counter will be open at 1st floor

*1 Whether session will be held online or offline is up to speakers. If the session is held fully online, you can enjoy watching session with public viewing at CIC Tokyo.

*2 We do not provide alcohol to individuals under the age of 20 or those arriving by car. Additionally, age verification may be required.

*3 On the day of the event, we kindly ask attendees who are physically present to register through Peatix as a general rule. Please note that we may not be able to accommodate entry due to capacity limits if there are more attendees than expected. Thank you for your understanding in advance.