Jobs / Mobile Developer
Jobs at IBM

Mobile Developer

IBM Tokyo | Remote

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EN: none
JP: none
Employment Type
Full time

Job Description

Business description

1) Build solutions to streamline and reform corporate businesses using iOS/Android devices
-Overall design of solution and design of linkage with iOS/Android device
-Lead in iOS/Android app development and mobile backend server development

2) Build new mobile solutions using the latest technologies (Watson, Analytics, Cloud, etc.)

3) Proposal support for corporate business systems with iOS/Android application development

Background of recruitment / mission

IBM has partnered with Apple since 2014 to drive the mobile-driven transformation of your enterprise business.

Under such circumstances, there is a shortage of engineers with advanced skills and productivity to deliver mobile projects that exceed a certain scale. In particular, there is a shortage of full-stack engineers who have a large technical area to cover and lead in mobile projects that often deliver with a small number of people.


1) In the mobile solution construction project including iOS/Android devices, lead the formulation and construction of solutions and support the transformation of corporate business utilizing iOS/Android devices
-Identify user requirements for the solution and reach agreement with various stakeholders
-Identify the technologies and products required for the solution and design the solution
-Design and develop iOS/Android applications and lead the iOS/Android application development team
-Design and develop applications on mobile back-end servers and lead development teams
-Lead the testing of the built solution
-Helping customers test the built solution

2) Understand the latest technology trends related to mobile solutions and use them to propose and build solutions

3) Support the proposal team from a technical perspective in the proposal activities of mobile solutions including iOS/Android devices.
-Identify the user requirements for the solution and confirm the suitability and validity of the solution. Propose optimal solutions as needed
-Perform a cost estimate (or part of it) on the solution or verify the validity of the estimate
-Visualize the solution’s suitability to user requirements and explain it to the customer


1) Full stack engineer who can design and develop iOS/Android apps with high productivity and quality

2) Those who are interested in advanced technologies unique to IBM (Watson, Analytics, Cloud, etc.) and want to provide value to customers by combining iOS/Android devices with these advanced technologies

3) Those who want to bring about a change in their business by using the iOS/Android app from the user’s perspective, conscious of the mobile usage scene in business

4) Those who wish to work with an international perspective, such as collaboration with IBM’s global team. (In app development projects, collaboration with global delivery resources is premised.)

Required Technical and Professional Expertise

- Experience designing and developing multiple iOS/Android apps

- Experience designing and developing backend services and DBs called from the frontend

- Experience of leader role in app development project

- Negotiating and coordinating with customers on scope and technical issues

- Create executable project plans, manage team progress, and manage issues

- Understanding Agile development methods

Preferred Technical and Professional Expertise

- Mobile application development experience with Android and Windows, Mobile Web application development experience with HTML5

- Leader role experience in Agile development, Scrum Master experience

- Knowledge and experience including connection of SoR (*)

(*) System of Record: Refers to the backbone system that supports existing businesses for mobile and other types of SoE (System of Engagement).

About the Company

At IBM, we do more than work. We create. We create as technologists, developers, and engineers. We create with our partners. We create with our competitors. If you're searching for ways to make the world work better through technology and infrastructure, software and consulting, then we want to work with you.

We're here to help every creator turn their "what if" into what is. Let's create something that will change everything.