Jobs / Digital Marketing Specialist
Jobs at nanameue

Digital Marketing Specialist

nanameue Tokyo

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EN: none
JP: none
Employment Type
Full time

Job Description




We are a fast-growing multinational IT startup focusing on the next generation social networking platform "Yay!". The digital marketing specialist will be responsible for accelerating user acquisition through various approaches such as improving the UX and optimizing the ASO.


  • ユーザーグロースのための分析、その結果を踏まえての戦略構築〜実行

  • ユーザー向けキャンペーンの企画立案~効果検証

  • ユーザー動線のUX改善を通じた、利便性の向上、継続利用率の向上

  • 顧客の行動、嗜好に応じたパーソナライズやレコメンデーション施策検討〜実行

  • ASOの最適化に関する戦略立案〜実行

  • Planning and implementation of campaigns for users and analytics on effectiveness

  • User analytics, Strategy construction and execution based on the user trends

  • Improve convenience and continuous utilization rate through UX improvement

  • Consideration and executing of personalization and recommendation based on customer behavior and preferences

  • Develop and implement strategies for App Store Optimization


  • APPもしくは Webの広告運用の経験

  • SQLなどを用いた分析経験

  • エンジニアとのコミュニケーションを伴うプロダクト改善経験

  • ビジネスレベルの日本語力

  • ビジネスレベルの英語力

  • 3+ years of experience in APP or Web advertising management

  • Experience in analysis using SQL, etc.

  • Experience in product improvement with communication with engineers

  • N1+ Japanese needed & Business level English

歓迎要件/Good to Have

  • toCサービスを持つ事業会社におけるCRMの実務経験

  • Experience in CRM in a business company with a toC product services

About the Company

At nanameue, Inc our focus is to connect people through social media. nanameue, Inc started in May of 2013 with roots in Japan and Thailand. With growing teams, nanameue, Inc. has built one of Japan’s top chat applications with over 5 Million users and over 40 Million downloads from all our applications combined.

Having a global mindset, nanameue, Inc is built with people from a variety of different cultures from Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Brazil, Australia to name a few. To maintain the global culture, our company language is English and we continue to welcome new members from all over the world.

Our goal is to build a virtual space where everyone can have their presence as themselves and welcome to accept and forgive everyone as they are.


  • 業績連動の昇給や賞与あり

  • 社会保険完備

  • 出社/リモートのハイブリットな働き方

  • フレックス制:コアタイム(11時 - 15時)

  • 完全週休2日制

  • 夏冬長期休み(年末年始・お盆休み)

  • 作業効率化に必要なディバイスやツールの購入補助

  • フリードリンクとスープやナッツ、チーズといった軽食

  • 交通費全額支給(上限あり) または 近隣住宅手当

  • 書籍購入、語学学習、勉強会参加、有料アプリ購入の補助

  • 社員旅行(コロナや社会情勢をみて再開予定)

  • Competitive salary and performance based bonus plus standard social security insurance

  • Hybrid Work Environment

  • Flextime: Core time 11:00 to 15:00

  • For overseas candidates: Visa Support, Re-location assistance to help you start your life in Tokyo, including first-time airfare to Tokyo, and hotel room for two weeks while we help you search for housing

  • Holidays: Annual leave, Summer as well as Winter Holidays, Childcare and Family care leave

  • Support in buying the needed items to make your work easier: applications, large monitor even a good chair (unfortunately, pajamas not included; though, we are trying to get it approved soon)

  • Free snacks, cheeses, soups, and drinks, of course!

  • Transportation allowance OR if you live near the office, we will give you 20,000 JPY monthly towards your rent

  • We will subsidize books, language courses, conference tickets, and even paid apps.

  • Annual Company trip (as we overcome travel restrictions)