Jobs / Software Engineer - Foundation Models
Jobs at Preferred Networks, Inc.

Software Engineer - Foundation Models

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EN: none
JP: none
Employment Type
Full time


  • Development of each component of generative AI and LLM, including data set collection, preprocessing, training, and evaluation
  • Creation and maintenance of tools to improve productivity required for development of generative AI and LLM and service adaptation
  • Catching up on cutting-edge technologies related to generative AI and LLM, internal or external presentations
  • Development of generative AI and LLM using in-house developed chip MN-Core
  • Research and development of multimodal foundation models


Required Experience and Skills

  • Basic knowledge of computer science
  • Experience in software development using C++ and Python
    • Understanding of computer architecture and the ability to create programs that are efficient in software execution and computationally aware
  • Experience solving problems in a team environment

Preferred Experience and Skills

  • Large-scale distributed learning experience
    • Experience developing with distributed learning frameworks such as FSDP and DeepSpeed
    • Experience with distributed parallel implementations using MPI
  • Experience in machine learning product development
    • Experience in R&D or product development in natural language processing, image processing, or speech processing
    • Contribution experience to machine learning OSS
  • Experience with programming competitions, game AI contests, data analysis contests (Kaggle, etc.), etc.
  • Experience leading development projects as a lead engineer
    • Leadership experience of a team of 10 or more people

About the Company

Preferred Networks (PFN) was established in March 2014 with the goal to develop practical, real-world applications of deep learning, robotics and other advanced technologies. PFN’s business domains include transportation, manufacturing, life sciences, robots, plant optimization, materials discovery, education and entertainment. In 2015, PFN developed Chainer™, the open-source deep learning framework. PFN’s MN-3 supercomputer, which is equipped with the MN-Core™ deep learning processor, topped the Green500 list three times in 2020 and 2021.

Employment Type

  • Full-time employee (3 months probationary period, same conditions as main employment)

Work Location

  • Otemachi Building, 1-6-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

Work Schedule

  • Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, national holidays, other (congratulation, condolence, year-end and New Year holidays)
  • Discretionary work system for specialized labor (8 hours of deemed working hours) or flexible working hours
  • Annual paid leave system in accordance with our company regulations (26 days upon joining the company)


  • Preferential treatment based on experience, performance, ability, and contribution in accordance with our company's regulations
  • Reviewed twice a year
  • In addition to base salary, bonus based on company performance and individual performance (twice a year, April/October)
  • Transportation expenses paid

Benefits and Welfare

  • Full social insurance (employee pension insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance, workers' accident compensation insurance)
  • Paid vacations, maternity leave, childcare leave, congratulation or condolence leave, etc.
    Periodic health checkups
  • Subsidy for purchase of laptop PC
  • Defined contribution pension plan